Fortune Magazine 1940-1949
Magazines By Title - National Geographic - Issues, Maps, Books - Life Magazine- Time - Look - Saturday Evening Post - Collier's - New Yorker - Newsweek - People -Atlantic/Harper's - Fortune – Sports Illustrated – Ebony
– Vanity Fair – Rolling Stone – Ladies
Home Journal – Holiday – Smithsonian – Mad Magazine – TV
Guide – Holiday – Vogue –
Harper’s Bazaar – Major TITLES Index
Magazines By Topic -
Men's - Women's - Children's
- News/Current Events - Digests - Sports - Movie/TV/Radio - House/Farm/Garden - Music/Rock 'n Roll - Travel – Hunting/Fishing
– Business – Farming – Auto/Mechanics - Aviation – Train/Model Railroad - Art & Design – Photography – Pulp
– Science – Antiques – Radio/Electronics – Crafts – Cooking/Food
– Foreign Titles - History – Science Fiction - OTHER.Magazine Topics
Miscellaneous - Newspapers - Sheet Music
- Books
- Paperbacks
- Catalogs/Ephemera
- 78/45/LP
How To Place An Order Magazine
Title Index
Condition Grading
Issue Date: |
Cover/Issue Description: |
Condition: |
Price: |
January, 1940 |
Cover by Allen Saalburg. Editorial: War & Peace, A.D. 1939, International Business Machines (IBM), Business in Britain, Plywood, Del Monte California, G.E.’s Wilson & Reed, Fifth Fortune Round Table: The U.S. and War |
Good, edge chips |
$25.00 |
February, 1940 |
10th Anniversary Issue – Eagle cover by A. Petruccelli. The USA, Industrialization, The Workers, 30,000 Managers, 32,000,000 Farmers, Great American Salesman, US Culture, Politics, Dispossessed, US Frontier – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
Same |
Good, stained, spine fray |
$30.00 |
March, 1940 |
Pipelines by Fred Chance. Business and Government, West Coast Politics, American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corp., Master Plumber, Managers of Steel, The Aircraft Boom, Fall and Rise of McKesson & Robbins, The Incredible Barco, War on the Sea |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
April, 1940 |
Cover by Paolo Garretto. Standard Oil of NJ, The Weather, We the People by Wendell L. Willkie, Allied Purchasing, Pratt & Whitney, Early American Old Spice, Red Hook Houses |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
Fair/Good, rolled, edge stain |
$17.50 |
May, 1940 |
Carpentry Tools & Wood by S.W. Crane. RFC, Jesse Jones, Sperry: The Corporation, Sperry: The Gyroscope, Paris at War: Paintings by Bernard Lamotte, Refrigerator Price War, Standard Oil Co. of NJ Part 2, The Tankers, Youth |
Not Available |
NA |
June, 1940 |
Airport Runway from Plane by Joseph Binder. The |
Good, spine fray, stain |
$20.00 |
July, 1940 |
Circus Wagon by Allen Saalburg. Great Lakes –
Ships and Shore, |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
August, 1940 |
Pipeline by Herbert Bayer. Hawaii, North Beach Airport, Airline Mechanic, Lockheed Aircraft Corp, Six Men in Management, Natural Gas, Abbott Laboratories, Synthetic Rubber, Troop Transport. Fortune Survey Insert – 4 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
September, 1940 |
Airplane Tail photo cover. Atlas for US Citizens, US Defense: The Armed Forces, Tanks, American Cyanamid, Pan-American Conference, Military Pilots, Howard Johnson, Fruehauf Trailer |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same, with The War Industries Board 1917-18 Supplement, 16 pages |
Good, edge chipping |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
October, 1940 |
Ship Propeller Blade by John F. Wilson. Nazi Agents in the US, US Defense, US and the World, Safeway Stores, The Candidates – Willkie & Roosevelt, Bausch & Lomb, Mexican Steel, Plastics in 1940 |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
November, 1940 |
White House by A. Petruccelli. Canada at War, American Steel Foundries, Alliance Ohio – Foundry Town, War and Peace, Hillman’s Labor Program, Future of Fashion, US Defense – The Dollars, War of Nerves – Fascists in the US, Communist Column, Foreign-Language Press, Lever Bros. – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
December, 1940 |
Christmas cover by Joep Nicolas. US Foreign Policy, Chrysler Corp., Fleet Base, Friends Service Committee, Power, FAO Schwarz, Benedium Trees, United Artists, Universal Trading Corp. |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
January, 1941 |
Winter scene photo cover by Otto Hagel. AD 1940, War Department, Martin-Parry Corp. – War Baby, Bill Stout, American Can Co., First National Bank in Palm Beach, Panama Canal, Price Control 1941, Mike Benedum, Testing for Talent – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same – 5 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
February, 1941 |
Submarine Torpedo Tube by George Giusti. Sun Oil, Sun Shipbuilding, The Capehart
Phonograph, Artillery, House of Heinz, Rich Refugees, White Truck, |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
March, 1941 |
Special Issue: Air Power. (Double retail price per copy - $2.00). Airplane Above Clouds photo cover. British Air Strategy, The New Battlefield, Military Planes Portfolio, U.S. Air Power, How Many Planes When?, United Aircraft, City of the Angels, Half a Million Workers, North American Way, Research and the Air, Wind Tunnels of Langley, Engine and Propeller, Air as a Trade Route, Captain Rickenbacker Looks Ahead, The Airman, The Struggle for the Air Lanes |
Not Available |
NA |
April, 1941 |
Japanese Soldier & Buddha by Boris Artzybasheff. Bethlehem Steel, Steel Capacity, 77th Congress, Radio Turns South by William S. Paley, The Europeans, Greater East Asia, New China, Atlantic Convoy, Round Table Insert |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
May, 1941 |
Military Tent Camp by Antonio Petruccelli. Camps for 1,418,000, How America Can Take the Offensive, Aluminum and the Emergency, The China Trade, Jones & Lamson, U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Health Officer, Treat Wine Boom, Teamsters Union, Report From Argentina – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
June, 1941 |
Union Carbide plant photo cover by Dmitri Kessel. Union Carbide I, How America Can Take the Offensive, US Naval Strategy, The Fighting Ship, Strike Doctors, Compania Textilera Argiuanabo S.A., Censorship, Basic English, US Highway System, Merchandiser of Securities |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, spine wear |
$25.00 |
July, 1941 |
Ship at Dock by Robert Yarnall Richie. How Many Ships How Soon?, Ships For This War, Ugly Ducklings Ships, Union Carbide II, Mr. Jones Goes In for Guns, Soviet Industry, Grand Strategy in WWII, Prelude to Total War |
Not Available |
NA |
August, 1941 |
Aviation Factory Worker Working on Wing Section – photo by Dmitri Kessel. SPECIAL ISSUE: Total War for the U.S. Political Map, Critical Areas in the War Effort, Price Fixing, War Economics, No War Without Labor, Transport, Materials, Civilian Mobilization, Portfolio of War Posters, The Consumer, Political Warfare, Food Is Also Power, Economic Warfare, The People’s Army |
G/VG |
$50.00 |
September, 1941 |
Smokestacks – photo cover by Robert Yarnall Richie. China the Ally Special Section: The Army of the Republic of China, Unbelievable Burma Road, Japan-in-China, Aid to China – When?. Also: Carbide & Carbon Chemicals, Forum of Executive Opinion, Paradox of Oil & War, Switzerland Sits Tight, Eight Years as Madame Secretary by Frances Perkins, Vultee: Up From Nowhere, In Bridgeport’s War Factories, Berlin Runaround |
Not Available |
NA |
October, 1941 |
Baskets of Vegetables photo cover by Arthur Gerlach. Revolution in Agriculture – 5 articles, The Heavy Bomber, Blue Prints for Destruction, Bomber and Billy Mitchell, A.O. Smith at War, Business in Britain, Wooing of Brazil – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
November, 1941 |
Gears, Tires, etc. by George Giusti. The Automobile Industry – War Is Horsepower, The Industry Shifts Gears, The Gas-Engine Union, Big Windmill – Harnessing Wind on a Commercial Scale, Don Nelson: The Man from Sears Goes to War, Africa, Coming Rulers of the U.S., Jacob Lawrence Paints the Story of the Great American Minority |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1941 |
Cover illus. by Fernand Leger. How Good is the Army? Special Section: Ordnance, Breakthrough!, The American Soldier. Also: The Great American “Stomach”, Prepackaged War, War Goes to Mr. Jesse Jones, Europe: We Missed the Point, How It Resists, How Germany Rules It; Great Flight of Culture: A Portfolio, The Engineers’ War by Alex Taub. |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
January, 1942 |
Mission – photo cover by Fennon Jacobs. The Presidency, Peace Without Platitudes by John Foster Dulles, Powder, Pressure, and Heat, Europe: The New Economics, Anaconda, Creative Design, Democracy and the Closed Shop, Bolivia, Total War for the Little Man. Insert: War From the West |
VG, in original shipping box |
$45.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
February, 1942 |
Flags by Herbert Matter. Three Fronts of War: The Japanese, The Middle East, The Battle For Chicago – Andy Gump and Bertie McCormick, American Locomotive, Tank Tactics, How Much Sugar?, What Man Can Make of Man, Death in the Stratosphere – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
March, 1942 |
Factory – Yard photo cover. Give Us Orders!, GE Does It, Will Davis of the War Labor Board, Plywood, 65 Billion Man Hours Needed, Camouflage, Race for Metals, Coming Struggle for Asia, Alaska – Bridge to Asia, One World – One War – with color map insert – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same – with insert |
Good, minor cover insect damage |
$30.00 |
Same, without foldout color map insert |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same, without foldout color map insert – 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
April, 1942 |
Woman War Worker – photo cover. India’s Day of Reckoning, Technological High Command, Fats and Oils, Mobilization, Sorensen of the Rouge (Ford), Royal Canadian Air Force, Conversion of Forry Laucks, Hollywood in Uniform, War and Politics, Free Market & the Future |
VG, in original shipping box |
$40.00 |
Same – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
May, 1942 |
Through the Periscope (The War of Ships). The New Bottleneck: Ships, The Case Against the 77th Congress, The Working Front – At The Margin, Round Two in Russia, “What’s To Become of Salesmen?’, The Cabots Speak to the People, The Anatomy of Public Spending, The Lost Lands of Escape, Our Moral Chaos. Insert – “The United States in a New World: 1 – Relations With Britain” – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, cover insect damage |
$25.00 |
June, 1942 |
Symbol for Synthetic Rubber. The War of Distances, Who Should Get the Ships?, The Negro’s War, Atlantic Arena, They’re Crowding the Rails, Popguns on the Southern Front, Rubber: How Do We Stand, America and the FutureThe Greatest Man in Canada – Foldout Map Atlantic Arena – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$45.00 |
Same, with insert – 2 copies |
Good, cover insect damage |
$30.00 |
Same, without Foldout Map Atlantic Arena |
Good |
$25.00 |
July, 1942 |
Flag Cover by John Atherton. War For The Skies: Offensive by Bomber,
General Max Over the |
G/VG |
$60.00 |
Same, without insert |
G/VG |
$50.00 |
August, 1942 |
The |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
September, 1942 |
Services of Supply – Supply Ship cover by Allen Saalburg.
Sears’s War, The S.O.S., Pacific Arena, |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
October, 1942 |
Steel, Allocations and Scrap by ? Unified Command, Cheradame’s Plan, Hard Facts of Air Cargo, What About Steel?, Housing For War, War on the Western Ocean, Machine-Tool Maker’s Dilemma, Lend-Lease to Date, Hero: Edwin M. Stanton, New Age of Wood, Washington Fiscal Policy, Edge of the Abyss by Alfred Noyes – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
November, 1942 |
The Railroads Learn from War. The Middle East, The Draft, Report on |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
December, 1942 |
Christmas Front Porch in Wartime by Atherton. War in the East, Turnabout in Russia, Dow Goes Down to the Sea, Main Street Front, Food Rationing, What Became of the Stock Market, Hero: David Farragut, The Biologist Looks at Man by Julian Huxley. Insert: The U.S. In a New World part 3: The Domestic Economy (22 pages) |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
G/VG, very light dampstain |
$30.00 |
January, 1943 |
New AEF (Tank cover) by Bernard Lamotte. Air Navigation for Total War, Whose Manpower?, Second AEF – Portfolio, Chewing Gum at War, Hunger in Europe, Nathanael Greene, School for Statesmen, World Island Insert color map |
Not Available |
NA |
February, 1943 |
Crane Moving War Gun. Prepare To Occupy, The Army Supply Program, The Margin Now Is Womanpower, Ohio Looks To ’44, Six Million Prisoners of War, The ’43 Ford, Socony-Vacuum II, With Blood, Sweat, and TNT, Hero: Stephen Decatur, Draftsmen of the New World, Revolution in Mass Production |
Not Available |
NA |
March, 1943 |
Glass illustration. Inflation Can Still Be Checked, |
Good |
$25.00 |
April, 1943 |
Engineering the House. Logic of the Air, |
Not Available |
NA |
May, 1943 |
Not Available |
NA |
June, 1943 |
The War on the Farm. Food Will Win the War, What We Learned in |
Not Available |
NA |
July, 1943 |
The Job Before Us. “The Linchpin of Peace, Assault Across the Water, Front-Line Medicine, Hero: Simon Bolivar, Electronics |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
August, 1943 |
Festung Europa by Antonio Petruccelli. West Coast Earth Movers, Festung Europa, A Modern Foreign Policy, Mexico’s Modern Art, Mexico – One Year at War, Butler Manufacturing, Hot Springs Food Conference, Elias Hasket Derby, World Bank Proposals, The Promise of Television |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
September, 1943 |
Seal of the |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, light stains |
$25.00 |
October, 1943 |
Matter. Soldiers, Jobs, and the Peace, A Modern Foreign Policy, Big Butter-and-Egg Man, Quality Control, To One-Millionth of an Inch, Troop Carrier Command, Into the Jungle, The Earth Movers III, Henry J. Kaiser, China’s Postwar Plans |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
November, 1943 |
Traffic in the Air. Britain’s Balance Sheet, Engineering the Airways, State of the Nation, The Boom in Books, A Yaleman and a Communist, Road To Russia: A Portfolio, Hero: Thomas Jefferson, World Food Plans, Agenda for Philosophers, City Planning, The U. S. in the New World: Our Form of Government |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
December, 1943 |
Approaches to |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
January, 1944 |
Transition to Peace 194?, Overhauling the Cabinet, Oil Shortage, Jack & Heintz, House of Tata, First Canadian Army, Artist Travels the Oregon Trail in 1837, Planning a City – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, ½ of one page removed |
$20.00 |
Same |
Fair/Good, cover wear |
$12.50 |
February, 1944 |
Plane on Compass – Army Air Training cover. Caribbean Laboratory,
Nitrogen, Why Should |
G/VG, spine fray |
$30.00 |
March, 1944 |
Bomb Exploding – Invasion Tactics photo cover. The Year of Invasion,
Retreat From the Pentagon, One War Boom Is Over, Peter Cooper, Army
Orientation, |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
April, 1944 |
Special Issue devoted to |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
May, 1944 |
Trade, US and World Communications, Puerto Rico, Avondale Mills, Baron Keynes of Tilton, Quicksilver Bonanza, Henry David Thoreau, Buildings on the Farm, Andover School |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, spine fraying |
$20.00 |
June, 1944 |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
July, 1944 |
War Bonds cover. US & British Wartime Collaboration, Rubber on the Rebound,
Doctors of Management, Paul Bunyan, Security in the |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
August, 1944 |
Reconversion in Typewriters. Liberation Agenda, M. Jean Monnet of |
Not Available |
NA |
September, 1944 |
Surplus Disposal. The Explosive Middle East, Greyhound Bus, Report from |
Not Available |
NA |
October, 1944 |
Colonial Policy. What Price Glory, If the War Ends Now, Commercial
Solvents, Parker Pen Company, Freight-Rate |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
November, 1944 |
The Merchant Marine by Crawford. Philco, Kaufmann's and US Department Stores, Butter vs. Margarine, Mayor Wyatt of Louisville, Housing Building Problems, North Atlantic Weather Stations, Fortune Survey. |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
December, 1944 |
Taxes After the War, What Follows Liberation?, Rise of the Washington Post, Rock Island Revisited, US Medicine in Transition, Merchant Marine part 2, How Much in the Railroads?, Checks by the Million – 5 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, wear at spine |
$20.00 |
January, 1945 |
War of the Bombers, Freeing |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
February, 1945 |
The Western States. Special Issue on the |
Not Available |
NA |
March, 1945 |
Not Available |
NA |
April, 1945 |
Air Transport. US Meets USSR in Manchuria, War – Cash & Corporations, The Pentagon, Loading and Supply, TWA, Americans Fly Everywhere – Paintings by Tom Lea, Biggest Airport, Kent Copper, Cancer – Notes of Hope, General Mills of Minneapolis |
Not Available |
NA |
May, 1945 |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
June, 1945 |
WWII Supply cover. One War to Go (Japan), US Meat in This War, Philips of Endhoven, New Transport Planes, Commander McDonald of Zenith Corp, Medals, Military Police, Battle for the Philippines – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
July, 1945 |
Aircraft Carrier photo cover (USS Yorktown). State of Missouri, Bernard Gimbel – Top Merchant, Houghtons of Corning, Report from Manila, New Transport Planes, Building of Nicaro, US Navy – Carrier Notebook & The Pacific Sweep |
Not Available |
NA |
August, 1945 |
New Locomotives – Train Wheels by Alexander Semenoick. China’s Race Against Time, Bethlehem Ship, Clothes – Higher and Fewer, Flanders of New England, Canada, Steam Power, Air Transport Command |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Fair/Good |
$17.50 |
September, 1945 |
V For Victory Cover. The Air War on Japan I, Nash Autos, Ammunition Industry, Bob Woodruff of Coca-Cola, I. T. & T., The Foreman Abdicates, San Francisco Album, Middle East Challenge. With insert – “Beyond the Atomic Bomb” (14 pages) |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, crease, insect edge damage |
$20.00 |
October, 1945 |
The Air War on |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
November, 1945 |
Foreign Trade. Europe Overnight, |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1945 |
Iron Ore Dilemma, Nurnberg Novelty, Reuther, Marshall Field - The Store, F-hp, Cotton, AG&E, Aftermath of War - Paintings by Ben Shahn, Ballet Boom |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
January, 1946 |
Collins of Collinsville, The Veteran in the Valley, Amerada, Louis Marx - Toy King (with color photos), Face of Christ Portfolio, Before the Wars, DDT, American Productivity |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Fair/good, pencil marks on cover, some interior damp-staining |
$12.50 |
February, 1946 |
Not Available |
NA |
March, 1946 |
World Rubber by Fernando Texidor cover. The OSS, Reversal in Rubber, Kaiser-Frazer Plant at Willow Run, War Surplus, Mobile After the Storm, Radio Soap Opera (with illustrations by Saul Steinberg), Japan's Road Back, Alfred Lee Loomis, The Nature of the Atom – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
April, 1946 |
Housing. Housing Shortage, Bricks Without Straw?, Bill Hutcheson of the Carpenters Union, Where is Prefabrication?, Mr. Blandings Builds His Castle by Eric Hodgins (later renamed “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House” – movie made with Cary Grant & Myrna Loy in 1948), Big Dave Bohannon, Portfolio of American Homes, Fuller’s House |
Fair/Good, stained |
$10.00 |
May, 1946 |
Food Scandal, Price Control, Aluminum Reborn, Sewell Avery & Montgomery Ward, Physics of the Bomb, Fly Fishing and Trout Flies, Freight by Air, Karl Marx |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
June, 1946 |
Fundamental Science by Arthur Lidov. The Boom,
Hammer and Tongs: The New C.P. Line, Massey-Harris, The Great Science Debate,
1946: Sight, Speed, Sound, White-Collar Man, Borg-Warner: A Company of Parts,
Scotch Whiskey, Chichi in |
Good, a few stains first 4 pages |
$20.00 |
Same – 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
July, 1946 |
The U. S. Foreign Service. Morris Motors Ltd., U. S. Debt: 1946, Medicine From Earth, Red Star Rising, General Tire On The Loose, Charles Luckman, The Yankees, Adam Smith |
Not Available |
NA |
August, 1946 |
Mexican Group (“The New Rich”) by Antonio Ruiz cover. What’s Wrong with the Airlines, Willys-Overland, Taylor Instruments, Joseph Di Giorgio, Frozen Foods, Prior Beer, Two Frank Lloyd Wright Residences, Detroit Auto Worker, Good Fences Make Good neighbors |
Not Available |
NA |
September, 1946 |
A New Scale of Sky Speeds by Arthur Lidov cover. Revolution in Rayon, The Armed Forces, Flower McCormick, Testament of Henry Simons, Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Thrust, Jet Propulsion, 57th Street |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, back cover stain |
$12.50 |
October, 1946 |
African Gold Rush. British Coal Industry, Fira Benenson, Traffic Outage – New York’s Traffic Jungle, Rise of Raytheon, Magnetron, Cape Cod Cranberries, Sunroc Refrigeration, Music for the Home – Radio/Phonographs, Return of the West |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1946 |
Cover by Albert Lustig. The Boom: A Second Look, The Nurnberg Confusion, Old Age, The Myth of Uncle Sap, The Ruhr, Costume Jewelry, Thompson Products, Bikini (Atomic Test), Erewhon Revisited, Seven Golden Houses, Endless Voyage – Painting by Mitchell Siporin, What Women Want |
Not Available |
NA |
January, 1947 |
Supreme Court 1947, Housing Mess, Fiberglas, The Watch, Hamilton Watch, Astrophysics, Bing Crosby Inc., Furniture Industry, Wool |
Not Available |
NA |
March, 1947 |
Coal, Revolt Against Radio, Allied Stores, Cigarette Machine, Chemicals |
Not Available |
NA |
April, 1947 |
Britain’s Railways, Republicans, Fuel Revolution, Ford Machine Corp, Confucius |
Not Available |
NA |
May, 1947 |
Rebirth of Ford, Silicones, GE’s Wilson, Airline Squeeze, Textron, Sylvania Electric |
Not Available |
NA |
June, 1947 |
Fine Chemicals cover by Walter Murch. Paramount, Rents, Korea, Merck, Japan Must Compete, National Parks, Airline Captain |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
July, 1947 |
Cotton Textiles, Africa Copper Mines, Yachting, Coal, Bank of America, Circus Logistics, Ringling |
Not Available |
NA |
August, 1947 |
Not Available |
NA |
September, 1947 |
Hood Up on Old Auto Engine by Arthur Lidov. Honorable Discharge, C.I.T., Freezer Lockers, Hotel Boom & Design, Auto Racing, Zion |
Not Available |
NA |
October, 1947 |
Farmer, |
Not Available |
NA |
November, 1947 |
American Selling Issue. A&P, Pepsi, Bendix, J Walter Thompson, Buick, Ely & Walker |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1947 |
Madison Avenue, Unilever, Kaiser-Frazier, The Swiss, CARE Inc., Veblen, Isotopes |
Not Available |
NA |
January, 1948 |
Unilever’s Africa, Aircraft Industry, Ralston Purina, Webb’s Drugstore – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
February, 1948 |
Unilever 3, Edison Bros. Shoes, Radio’s Armstrong (FM), Foreign Cars, GE & Weather, Florida |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
March, 1948 |
Train Diesels. Pennsylvania RR, Lazari, Flexible Furniture, Bottled Gas, Poker |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
April, 1948 |
Money & Inflation Issue. New England Crisis, Southwest Rich,
Insurance, |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
May, 1948 |
TV Boom, Celanese Corp., Synthetics, |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
June, 1948 |
Ship’s Figurehead by Arthur Lidov. Cotton Textiles, Nabisco, Singapore, Atlantic Salmon, 2 pages of Salmon Fishing Flies, Grumman Aircraft, Andrew Carnegie |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, gouges |
$15.00 |
Same, with Supplement The Executive Forecast, 6-page foldout |
Good, gouge at corner |
$17.50 |
July, 1948 |
Antitrust Campaign, GM Diesel, Bell & Howell, Indonesia, Davis Manufacturing, Harrisons & Crosfield – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
August, 1948 |
Auto Design, Sears Roebuck, Small Town Theatre, Automatic Radio Factory, Iran, ECA – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
September, 1948 |
RCA’s Television, Hong Kong Book, Carpets, Hoving, Seagram, Used Cars – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, ring mark on cvr |
$17.50 |
October, 1948 |
Farm Mechanization cover by Lewandowski. Farm Mechanization, Mr. Dewey, Chrysler, The Scientists, Cincinnati Hotel, How to Control Inflation - 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
November, 1948 |
Sante Fe Railroad (workers – photo cover), Berlin Airlift, Energy Engineers, Bankers, Factories Portfolio, Businessman in Fiction – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
December, 1948 |
Stirrings in Steelmaking, French Worker, May Stores, Churches & Business – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
January, 1949 |
Atom & Businessman, Adam Smith on 7th Avenue, Champion Paper, Scrapmen, GOP |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
February, 1949 |
ECA, Creole Petroleum, Men of Dallas, Cosmic Rays – 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
March, 1949 |
American Men of Shipping by Arthur Lidov cover. Socialism, Minnesota Mining Co. (3M), The Shipping Men, Deep Sea Fishing – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
April, 1949 |
New Haven Connecticut by Thomas Fransioli Jr. cover. Two Billion Dollar Failure in Japan, Capture of the New Haven Railroad, Movies: End of an Era?, Secretary Acheson, Low-Flight Landscapes, The Republican Party by Robert A. Taft |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
May, 1949 |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
June, 1949 |
General MacArthur, Industrial LA, Admiral TV, Ocean Liner Décor |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
July, 1949 |
Farm Policy, TV Money, Insurance Men, Burlington Mills – 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
August, 1949 |
Not Available |
NA |
September, 1949 |
Auto Market, Italian Farm Hand, Labor Relations |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
October, 1949 |
Modern Art of Printing, Golden Coast, Copper, Philip Morris, Soviet Industry |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
November, 1949 |
US Roads, Denver & Rio Grande, Negro Businessman of New Orleans, Muskrat Trapping, TV Freeze |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1949 |
Natural Gas, US Tariff, Massachusetts Investors, A&P Muddle, Industry Paintings |
Not Available |
NA |