Look Magazine 1950-1959
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Title Index
Condition Grading
Film director Stanley Kubrick was a Look Magazine staff photographer from 1946
to 1950 Hundreds of his photos were published in the magazine during this
period. Weve noted issues with Kubrick photos as SK.
Issue Date: |
Cover/Issue Description: |
Condition: |
Price |
January 3, 1950 |
New Wonder Dog The Weimaraner. We Can Stop Russia at the Rhine, Problem of 2nd Marriages, American Look Diet, 20 Who Shaped the 20th Century by Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Dallas Cotton Bowl City, Story of Betty Hutton, Boxing Legalized Murders, SK photos, Samson and Delilah |
Not Available |
NA |
January 17, 1950 |
Bing Crosby cover. Eisenhower, University of Minnesota, Bob Hope, Susan Hayward, Matisse at 81, Winter Sports at Home, Torrid Version of Carmen, Abraham Lincoln Said, Macaroni, Problem with Hospitals, My Foolish Heart, SK photos |
Not Available |
NA |
January 31, 1950 |
Hawaiian |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
February 14, 1950 |
Ann Blyth, Athlete. Why Should American Soldiers Live Like Pigs?, British Plan to Socialize Everything, How 4 Teengers Met Death, Lincolns in the White House, Marini Top Italian Sculptor, Connie Macks Last Year, Rocky Graziano, Sid Caesar, Twelve OClock High, SK photos |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Fair/Good, spine fraying |
$15.00 |
February 28, 1950 |
Men vs. Women (model photo cover). Ohio State Football, Crime in LA, Amos n Andy, Katharine Hepburn, Pancake Day, Jimmy Durante, The Baptists, Maurice Richard Lightning on Ice, Stromboli, SK photos |
Good |
$25.00 |
March 14, 1950 |
Look Annual Movie Awards Corinne Calvet & Bob Hope cover. How FDR Planned to Use the A-Bomb, Traveling Saleswoman, Inside FDR by John Gunther, Canada Boom, Kay Kyser, Hawaii Fashions, Frankie Frisch |
Good |
$30.00 |
March 28, 1950 |
Prize Dog (Dachschund) cover. Inside FDR by Gunther, Basketball All-America, Esther Williams, Groucho Marx, Charles Demuth art, Helen Hayes, Southern Catholics Fight Race Hatred, Young Man With a Horn, SK photos 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good, small gouge, pencil |
$30.00 |
April 11, 1950 |
Problem of a Teen-Age Girl. Cerebral Palsy, Toast of the Town, Inside FDR by Gunther, Navy & Snorkel Menace, Society Photographers Scrapbook, Melchior, Jack Sterling, Carol Channing, Hats, Michelangelo, Don Newcombe, Paul Pettit, Riding High, SK photos |
Good |
$25.00 |
April 25, 1950 |
Model cover. 10 Pages on Yale. Fibber McGee & Molly, FDR by Gunther, WWII Reunions, Hollywood Stars in Berlin, Ted Williams, 1950 Baseball Forecast, Glittering Houston, New Maternity Fashion, Carol Reed |
Not Available |
NA |
May 9, 1950 |
Jack Benny & Rochester. What Killed FDR by Gunther, Canine Paratrooper, Midget Midway, Soviet Zone in Germany, Elizabeth Taylor Loveliest Bride, Phantom Fashions, Ken Murray, Western Europes Brain Trust, How Bridges Rule the Pacific, Annie Get Your Gun, SK photos |
Not Available |
NA |
May 23, 1950 |
Model cover. Truth About Shirley Temple, A-Bomb, Improve Your Canasta by |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, spine splitting |
$20.00 |
June 6, 1950 |
Lana Turner. How We Bungled the Japanese Surrender, Roosevelt Battles
Warren in |
Not Available |
NA |
June 20, 1950 |
Model Liz Hastings in Bathing Suit cover. Jane Russell, Should Russia Attack, Case Against Psychoanalysis, LA Smog, Arthritis Remedy, A Nazi Cracks, Dogs Life in Hollywood, Ronald Coleman as College President, Whither Go the Giants, Two New Stars Marilyn Monroe and Jean Hagen, The Asphalt Jungle, SK photos |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
Same |
Good |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good, stain |
$25.00 |
July 4, 1950 |
June Allyson. Joe McCarthy of the Red Sox, The Shriners, Summer Theatre by Gertrude Lawrence, Liberty Bell, Business Trip to Puerto Rico, Fight for Philadelphia, Truman as Pianist, Cats by Yila, Wendy Warren and the News, The Next Voice You Hear, SK photos |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
July 18, 1950 |
Cover Girl Working Debutante Betsy von Furstenberg by Stanley Kubrick. Flying Saucers Myth or Menace?, Cowboy Craze, Billy Graham, Help for Acute Alcoholics, Ballad of Peggy Lee, Mens Ties, Ben Shahn, Gus Mauch Yankee Trainer, Treasure Island, SK photos 3 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
August 1, 1950 |
Model cover. 4 Pages on Sail Boating, FBI Reveals How Many Reds Live In Your State, Teenagers & Dating, How Truman Got to be President, The Lions, Vaccine to Stop Polio?, Roman Holiday, Gene Autry Millionaire Cowboy, Stanley Kramer, Godfrey Brings Back the Uke, Summer Drinks, The Men, Art Houtteman, SK photos |
Good, tape on cover |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, wear at spine |
$25.00 |
August 15, 1950 |
Faye Emerson cover photo by Stanley Kubrick. Russia Today, Canasta Mistakes, Columbia River Vacation, How the Menningers Fight Mental Disease, New Baby, The World As I See It by Albert Einstein, Pickle a Day, Sunset Boulevard, Red Barber |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Fair/Good, stains, 1 page removed |
$15.00 |
August 29, 1950 |
Hopalong Cassidy. How |
G/VG |
$60.00 |
September 12, 1950 |
Bob Williams of Notre Dame (Football). Grantland Rice's Football Forecast,
Transoceanic TV by Sarnoff, No Way Out,
Primer For Americans, Presbyterian Church, Bath Time, Janet Leigh Takes
Tucson, SK photos |
Not Available |
NA |
September 26, 1950 |
Sigma Chi's Sweetheart. California, Robert Montgomery, Toledo's Union Station, Judy Garland, Psychoanalysis by Margaret Mead, Doing the Charleston, Summer Stock, How New Is Modern Art?, Red Rolfe, Sigma Chis Sweetheart on Skis, SK photos |
Not Available |
NA |
October 10, 1950 |
Jeanne Crain & Son. New A-Weapons, What Teenagers Should Know About Love, Eleanor Roosevelt, Baseball All-America, Darryl Zanuck, Kathleen Windsor, SK photos |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Fair loose cover, cover wear, 1 page missing |
$15.00 |
October 24, 1950 |
Mary Healy and Peter Lind Hayes. How Good is MacArthur by John Gunther, How to Play 3-Pack Canasta, Jealousy, Mister 880, Ballet, The UN, Irving Berlin, Ozzie and Harriet, Vera-Ellen, Picasso Designs Plates, Matisse Makes Rug Designs, The Trojans Football at Southern California, Al Pollard Goes to West Point, My Daughter is Recovering From Polio, SK photos |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
November 7, 1950 |
Linda Darnell. Who Will Run Congress, |
Not Available |
NA |
November 21, 1950 |
Milton Berle & Daughter Vicki. Remote Control War, Boxing Is Still Legalized Murder, Mooseheart, Clark Gable, Leslie Caron, Eve Arden Our Miss Brooks, R. Dufy, Hugh Devore, Dinner Jackets, King Solomons Mines |
Not Available |
NA |
December 5, 1950 |
Esther Williams. The Horsy Set Week-ends at Warrenton, Million-Dollar Medicine Man, Fifty Years of Model Railroads, Circus Train to Reno, Is Siberia Russias Secret Base for World Conquest? |
Good, soiled cover, spine splitting |
$25.00 |
December 19, 1950 |
Multiple Images including Ava Gardner, Jackie Robinson, Johnny Karras, A-Bomb Report. George C. Marshall, Breast Cancer, Hokinson GirlsSinatra Celebrates an Opening Night |
Good, cover tears |
$20.00 |
January 2, 1951 |
Copa Girl (6 pages on Nightclubs). Arthur Godfrey, New Orleans: Sugar Bowl City, Shorts, 1951 Sports Scene, Charles James Fashions, Religious Revival Stirs America, 1951 Sports Scene, We Can Have Peace In Our Time by Ralph Bunche 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, spine splitting |
$25.00 |
January 16, 1951 |
Jean Simmons Beach Fashions. GIs & Gambling, We Cant Save Asia by War Alone by William O. Douglas, Conspiracy Against Chastity, Roller Derby Queen, Paratroop Pups, Melchiorre, First Annual TV Awards |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
January 30, 1951 |
How They Stay Glamorous After 40 Gloria Swanson & others on cover. Truman Does Not Choose to Run, Underwater Babies, Dartmouth Winter Carnival, Hot Rod Addicts, Francos Spain, Eddie Sawyer, Calvet Stars for Bugs, Francoise Rosay 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, stains |
$17.50 |
February 13, 1951 |
Elizabeth Taylor: Can Child Stars Stay Married? Tragedy of the US Army, Tallulah Bankhead, Hospital Prepares for Atomic Disaster, Plot to Kill Truman, Italy at Work, What Did Lincoln Really Look Like, Basketball 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
G/VG, small stain |
$30.00 |
February 27, 1951 |
Various cover topics. Flying Saucers Exposed, General Ike, Lassie, Sex Education, Joe Louis, Ingrid Bergman, Heart Disease, Bernice Judis, White Wine, Burl Ives Sings of Food 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
March 13, 1951 |
Looks Annual Movie Awards (Bette Davis & Bob Hope cover). Stocking Veil, Russia, Lilli & Rex Harrison, Spring Turkeys, Sun Valley Ski Boom 2 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
March 27, 1951 |
Faith Domergue. Playing With Fire in |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
April 10, 1951 |
TVs Old-New Stars Prove Laughs Begin at 40 (Durante, Benny, Hope, Groucho, Cantor, Burns, others in cover photo). Red Army Can Be Beaten, James Jones Rugged Writer, Siam on Stage & Fashions, Whats New in Mens Uniforms, Sudden Death by J.C. Furnas, Prize Boxing Photos |
Not Available |
NA |
April 24, 1951 |
Phil Scooter Rizzuto & Wife. Whats Wrong With Americans by Bertrand Russell, How to Adopt a Baby Safely, New Paris Fashions in Color, Kate Smith, The Mormons, TV Crowds The Daytime, Through History with J. Wesley Smith, Joey Adams, Bette Davis, World Remembers FDR, Jet Helicopter, We Can Stop Sadism in Our Mental Hospitals, Big Bear Motorcycle Championship Race |
G/VG, cover tear |
$60.00 |
Same |
Good, light damage at side edge |
$50.00 |
May 8, 1951 |
Various cover subjects. |
Good |
$20.00 |
May 22, 1951 |
New Beach Fashions. Trumans Cronies Problem, Ava Gardner in Julie, Joe DiMaggio Winning Ways, These Scandalous Years in Washington, Uta Hagen, Gus the Great Dane, Dr. Kinsey, The Krolls & Modern Furniture 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
June 5, 1951 |
Hedy Lamarr. Eisenhower Will Run If - , Sorority Swindle, Fred Waring Show, Korea 1951, 1960 Bathroom, Ezzard Charles, The Cubs 2 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
June 19, 1951 |
Various cover topics. Corinne Calvet, Eleanor Roosevelt, J. Edgar Hoover Traps Spies, Stank of the Giants, Martin & Lewis, Teen-Age Morals, TV Comics, Beach Party at Ohio State, Senor Cugat, Red Spies in the U.S. |
Not Available |
NA |
July 3, 1951 |
Gene Tierney in New Veil-Specs. Death-Ray Warfare, Josephine Baker, Winston Churchill, Aquabats, Mario Lanza, Arizona Hoedown, Polio, Preventing Drowning, School for Teenage Models |
Good, wear, fade at side edge |
$25.00 |
July 17, 1951 |
MGMs Dancing Daughters. Bernard Baruch, Surf Fishing, Poodle, Baseballs Bad Blood, Womens Problems by Robert Ruark |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, spine splitting |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, gouge, spine splitting |
$15.00 |
July 31, 1951 |
Various cover topics. Stan Musial, Diets, Billy Graham, Marlene Dietrich, Carnival Comes to Town, Vinsons Not So Supreme Court, Rocket War by Willy Ley, Aquatots, |
G/VG |
$45.00 |
Same |
Good, spine wear |
$35.00 |
August 14, 1951 |
How Stars Are Born (Piper Laurie, etc.), B-47, Sandwiches, Art Larsen (Tennis), Popes Plans for War, Tarzan in the Ozarks, What Makes Men Poor Lovers? 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good - cover insect dmg |
$15.00 |
August 28, 1951 |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good, spine splitting |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, edge stain |
$15.00 |
September 11, 1951 |
Various cover topics. Elizabeth Taylor, Sugar Ray Robinson, Mimi Benzell by Ed Sullivan, Anita Colby, General Van Fleet, Ciros Cigarette Girl |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, insect damage at spine and bottom edge |
$17.50 |
September 25, 1951 |
Jeanne Crain. Roy Campanella, Paul Hoffman, African Queen, Psycho-Quacks, Ralph Bellamy, Fall Necklines, Walt Disneys Miniature Railroad |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, spine fraying |
$20.00 |
October 9, 1951 |
Jane Russell. Teen-Age Bad Girl, Ginger Rogers, Milton Berle, Air Powers Decisive Role in Europe, Paul Hoffman, The Hollywood Kiss, Fesler Rouse, All-America Baseball Team 5 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
October 23, 1951 |
Prince Philip & |
Not Available |
NA |
November 6, 1951 |
Elaine Stewart. Taft Blasts Truman Policies, Shame of New York, College Football Courts a Scandal, The Drugstore, Supermarkets, Mary Sinclair, Pericle Fazzini, Americas Billion-Dollar Sweet-Tooth |
Good |
$25.00 |
November 20, 1951 |
Maureen OHara. Paulette Goddard, Tallulah on the Southern Belle, Art
Linkletter, Pastor of Staffordville, Anita Loos, Motorcycle Mudfest, |
Not Available |
NA |
December 4, 1951 |
Doris Day, Earl Warren, Billy Eckstine, Inside Ike by Gunther, Mob in California, 1951-52 Basketball Forecast, Holiday Fun With Paper, TCU Football |
Not Available |
NA |
December 18, 1951 |
Ava Gardner. All-America Football Eleanor Roosevelt My Day With Fala, |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
January 1, 1952 |
Bathing Suits, 44 pages of Vacation & Travel, Harlem Globetrotters, Saul Steinberg Cartoons of Europe 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
January 15, 1952 |
Beachcomber Hats, General Curtis Le May, Betsy, von Furstenberg, Rocky Marciano, Complete diet, Groucho Marx, Secret Letters of Julius Marx |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, insect damage side edge |
$17.50 |
January 29, 1952 |
Ingrid Bergmans Love Story, I Saw Them Die in Korea by General Clarks Son, Martin & Lewis, Is Stalin in Trouble, John Lardners New York, Whats Wrong with US Air Power, The Sante Fe |
G/VG |
$30.0 |
Same |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, spine wear |
$20.00 |
February 12, 1952 |
Audrey Hepburn. The Sleeping Pill Menace, The Catholic Problem, Carnival Fever Hits Rio, Ingrid Bergman 2 copies |
Good, no label |
$45.00 |
Same |
Good, spine wear, ink stains |
$30.00 |
February 26, 1952 |
Exercises to Lose Inches. Germany The Big If, Kevauver, Betty Hutton, Skater Dick Button, Parisiennes Honeymoon in Florida, Ted Lindsay, Greatest Show on Earth |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
March 11, 1952 |
Vivien Leigh & Fredric March Look Movie Awards. Living In Space en route to the Moon, Prince of Wales, Gloria Swansons Daughter Weds, Bob Fellers Pitching Secrets, General Bradley |
Not Available |
NA |
March 25, 1952 |
15th Anniversary Issue. "Look Recalls", All-America Basketball, Met Stars, Texas, Henry Ford's World, "The Quiet Man" |
Good |
$25.00 |
April 8, 1952 |
Susan Hayward cover. Northern Negro Problem, Clyde Sukeforth of the Dodgers, Circus Fashions, Henry Ford, Part 2 |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
April 22, 1952 |
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis. Elect Ike, Casey Stengel, What I Miss About FDR, Gowns for Roberta, Baseball Forecast, Best of Broadway 1952 |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, heavy spine wear, light insect damage |
$20.00 |
May 6, 1952 |
Mitzi Gaynor. Case of Willie Sutton by Erle Stanley Gardner, Young Israel in Pictures, Little League, Grand Ole Opry, Eddie Arcaro |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
May 20, 1952 |
Ingrid Bergman, Chicago's Monoso, New York, Willie Sutton Part 2, Ike & The GOP, Washington Secrecy, Battle for a Seaway, Walk East on Beacon, Summer Shelters |
Not Available |
NA |
June 3, 1952 |
Various cover topics. Lucille Ball, Johnny Ray, Adlai Stevenson, Marilyn Monroe in Clash by Night, Harry Matthews, Tragedy of West Points Class of 1950 From Commencement to Korea, A-Bom Supremacy, Mrs. Ike |
Not Available |
NA |
June 17, 1952 |
Zsa Zsa Gabor. Rogers Hornsby on Baseball, Flying Saucers, Jane Greer, What Is a Jew, Jane Greer, NYC, 5 Day Pass in Tokyo, Krilium, The Browns, Ice Cream Sodas |
Not Available |
NA |
July 1, 1952 |
Various cover topics. Ike-Mac Feud, Janet Leigh, Sugar Ray Robinson, Flying Saucers, Red Sox Curse, Denim Dress-Up, Who Will Be Nominated?, Spike Jones, Canasta, Summer Movies |
Not Available |
NA |
July 15, 1952 |
Arlene Dahl. Al Rosen, The Hiss & Chambers case, New York, New York, When Knights Were Bold, Spoondoggling, Wish You Were Here |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, spine tears |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, spine wear, ink notations |
$12.50 |
Same |
Fair |
$10.00 |
August 12, 1952 |
Laraine Day, Viscount Mountbatten, Mickey Mantle, Secret Spy Ring, Lana Turner, Fifth Avenue You Dont See, Steeplechase Hockey, Mens Fashions |
Not Available |
NA |
August 26, 1952 |
Dormitory Duds, Bob Hope & Jane Russell, Guided Missiles, Saudi Arabia, Marilyn Monroe, Can a Divorced Man Be Elected President? |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
September 9, 1952 |
Marilyn Monroe Georgia Tech cover. Pablo Picasso, Football Forecast, Flying Saucers, Leslie Caron, Henry Kaisers Medical Plan, Porgy and Bess, Bob and Ray, Dinah Shore |
Not Available |
NA |
September 23, 1952 |
Not Available |
NA |
October 7, 1952 |
Hair-Do To-Day. Birth Control by Pill, Win the Negro Vote or Lose, Bishop Fords Slow Death in China Jails, All-America Baseball Team, Michigan State of Affairs |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, edge tears |
$17.50 |
October 21, 1952 |
Roxanne |
Not Available |
NA |
November 4, 1952 |
Anita Ekberg cover. |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, stains |
$20.00 |
November 18, 1952 |
The Problems of Young Love. US Must Merge with Europe by Toynbee, Christian Scientists, Malayan Treachery by William O. Douglas, Desi Arnez on Lucille Ball, Californias Ace Olszewski, Best from Punch, Limelight 3 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
December 2, 1952 |
Intimate Story of Margaret Rose. Liz Taylor, Inside Russia, Who Says the Women are the Weaker Sex, Jackie Gleason TVs Big Boy, Yale vs. Harvard Football, Revolution in Burma, Tyrone Power |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
December 16, 1952 |
Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis. Korean War, All-America Football team, Christmas Sermon by Peter Marshall, Jana Jones, My Life with George Burns by Gracie Allen, Indo-China Near Disaster 1954, Fresh Faces on TV, Italian Clothes |
G/VG |
$45.00 |
December 30, 1952 |
Annual Vacation Issue. 44 Pages of Travel News Paul Gallico, Earl
Wilson, Ogden Nash, John Lardner. Recognize or Crush Red |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
January 13, 1953 |
Hope & Crosby: Still on the Road. The |
Not Available |
NA |
January 27, 1953 |
Various cover topics. Bishop Sheen, Cancer & Children, Rocky Marciano, Rita Hayworth Dance of the Seven Veils, Diets, Gloria Grahame, Perons War on the US, Virgin Islands, Transocean TV, Red Buttons, The Bad and the Beautiful |
Not Available |
NA |
February 10, 1953 |
Arthur Godfreys Friends on Ice. Battle Over New Bible, Bowling For Strikes, Arlene Dahl, Ava Gardner, Hunber, Marciano Story Part 2, Prefab City, Above and Beyond 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, tear |
$15.00 |
February 24, 1953 |
Is Nixon Fit To Be President? (Nixon & Family). Lincoln's Last Days in the White House, Salesmen, Skiing, Bob Cousy, Bob Hope 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
March 10, 1953 |
Betsy von Furstenberg in New Paris Fashions. Look Movie Awards, Hyman
Rickover, Trumans Last Week, Basketball, |
Good |
$25.00 |
March 24, 1953 |
A New Star Appears Joanne Gilbert. You May Live Forever, How to Handle Women, White Sox Tryout Camp, Jane Froman, Gene Kellys Invitation to the Dance, Sam Fuller, Sophie Gimbel 3 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$15.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
April 7, 1953 |
Debbie Reynolds. Rocky Marciano as Walcott Will See Him, MIGs, Satchel Paige, Gary Cooper, Coin-Box TV, Clowns, Milton Berle, Easter Hats |
Not Available |
NA |
April 21, 1953 |
Lucille Ball, Desi & Family. GOP in 1954 by Taft, How Hellish is the H-Bomb?, 1953 Baseball Forecast, Esther Williams, Joni James, I Confess, Coronation Fashions |
G/VG |
$60.00 |
May 5, 1953 |
Queen Elizabeth II The Coronation |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
Good, smudges |
$20.00 |
May 19, 1953 |
Adlai Stevenson Reports on World Tour. Cole Porter's Can-Can, Rita Gam, Ricky & David Nelson, "Shane", "War of the Worlds" |
Not Available |
NA |
June 2, 1953 |
Dorian Leigh cover. Ben Hogan on Ike's Golf, Art Linkletter, Dartmouth, US War Prisoners in Korea, Festival in Granada, Your First Boat, Loud Jackets |
Good |
$20.00 |
June 16, 1953 |
What Does Joe McCarthy Really Want? Adlai Stevenson, Road Taxes, "Young Bess", Mens Shirts, If Your Marry |
Not Available |
NA |
June 30, 1953 |
Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, Betty Grable cover. What Asia Thinks of Adlai, The Dope Habit, Venezuela, 3-D, Robert Q. Lewis, Air Conditioning, How Henry Ford II Saved the Empire |
Not Available |
NA |
July 14, 1953 |
Susan Hayward, Rogers Hornsby Own Story, Rodeo, 50 Years of Teddy Bears, Atomic Race Struggle, India, Ed Sullivan |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
August 11, 1953 |
Cyd Charisse. Atom Bomb Tests & Weather, Arctic Watch, No Peace for Israel, Floyd Patterson, Hot Rods on Salt Flats, Little League Baseball, Roman Holiday |
Not Available |
NA |
August 25, 1953 |
Roxanne on NYs Jones Beach. Atomic Miracles, Colorado, Jones Beach, West Builds a Balkan Barrier, The Braves, I Borrowed the British Navy, Matisse, From Here to Eternity Censored Scenes |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
September 8, 1953 |
Richard Burton and Jean Simmons in The Robe. Vegas Talent, Siberia, Dodgers, Clarabell, Gwen Verdon, Jack Webb. Ben Hogan ad back cover |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
September 22, 1953 |
Arthur Godfrey. Football Forecast, Boxing on TV, Southern Cal, Julia Meade, Beat the Devil, High Fliers, Where Now for the Navajos? |
Not Available |
NA |
October 6, 1953 |
Ava Gardner. Methodists, Football Debate between Notre Dame & Oklahoma, Arthur Godfrey, Eartha Kitt, Enjoying Food by Charles Laughton |
Not Available |
NA |
October 20, 1953 |
Minnesota Cheers for (Paul) Giel (Football). Father O'Brien, Flying Saucers, Football on TV, Burt Lancaster, Godfrey 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
November 3, 1953 |
Moscow: Exclusive Color Pictures. Milton Berle 45 Years of Show Business, Lauren Bacall, Weinmeister, All American Look |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same 3 copies |
Fair/Good |
$10.00 |
November 17, 1953 |
Marilyn Monroe. How to Fight a Bull, Danny Thomas, Communist Infiltration in the Protestant Clergy, Lorry Raine, Two Lost Boys, Coats |
Not Available |
NA |
December 1, 1953 |
Perry Como. Johnny Lattner of Notre Dame, McCarthy, Guy Madison, "Kiss
Me Kate", Wilson & Kyes, Amateur Rocketeers, What Is a Quaker? |
Good, insect damage |
$17.50 |
December 15, 1953 |
Betty Hutton Hits Manhattan. The Roosevelt Years by Harold Ickes, 1953 Football All-America, Dinah Shore, Jean Simmons, Skiing Fashions |
Good, crease |
$20.00 |
December 29, 1953 |
Bishop Fulton Sheen. 4th Annual TV Awards, Harry Dexter White, Christmas by Mrs. Peter Marshall, Swedish Shakedown Cruise, Wide Screen 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
January 12, 1954 |
1954 Travel Issue. New York by Walter Winchell, San Francisco by Herb Caen, Hawaii, Best Motels, California, Florida Keys, Bathing Suits, Chicago by Kupcinet 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
January 26, 1954 |
Hemingway Writes on Africa. Tom Swift Returns, Mr Peeper's Girl, "Glenn Miller Story", Spats, The Heart of a Boy |
G/VG |
$50.00 |
February 9, 1954 |
Howard Hughes the Fabulous Lone Wolf. 11 All-America Cities, Somerset Maugham at 80, Martha Raye, Call Me Madam |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
February 23, 1954 |
Tony Curtis & Janet Leigh. Story of Howard Hughes, What Is a Lutheran, Ikes Mamie, West Points of the Underworld, Basketball by Barnum |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, creases |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, stain |
$15.00 |
March 9, 1954 |
Jeanmaire - French Firecracker. Pee Wee Reese article, Wrestlers by Ring Lardner, Labor Bosses, Howard Hughes part 3 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
March 23, 1954 |
Audrey Hepburn Actress of the Year. Movie Awards, Farewell to Notre Dame by Frank Leahy, All-America Basketball, Eddie Fisher, Copa Girl, What Is a Presbyterian? 3 copies |
Good |
$30.00 |
April 6, 1954 |
Prince Philip The Boy Who Married the Queen. Movie Censorship, Kate
Smith, Jaye P Morgan, Best Sports Pictures, Bobo Olson, Shirt Story 3
copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same 5 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
April 20, 1954 |
Ernest Hemingway (with Wife) Writes His Own Story of His Two African Plane Crashes. Dorothy Kilgallen, The Orioles Are Still the Browns, Dana Wynter, Ruth Lyons, Crazy Mixed-Up Spy, Audrey Hepburn on Broadway |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$30.00 |
May 4, 1954 |
Piper Laurie cover. Hemingway on
the Execution of Private Slovak, Kentucky Derby, Eddie Mathews, Arlene
Francis, Billy Graham in England |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, stains |
$17.50 |
May 18, 1954 |
Patsy Shally. Alger Hiss, Tulips in Holland, Jimmy Piersail, "Executive Suite", Toppers Ghosts, Revolt Against Roosevelt 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 5 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
June 1, 1954 |
The Real Jackie Gleason Story. Secret of Good Golf by Ben Hogan, Mobile Cooking, Ikes Cronies, Catholic Answers 35 Pointed Questions |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, tape on spine |
$20.00 |
June 15, 1954 |
Grace Kelly Most Wanted Actress. Willie Mays, Nevada Gambling, Normandy 10 Years After D-Day, Jackie Gleason part 2, Albert Schweitzer 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, soiled back cover, 1 cut-out |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, stained at top |
$17.50 |
June 29, 1954 |
Princess Margaret. Liberace, Hypnotism, "The Caine Mutiny",
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good ink on cover |
$15.00 |
July 13, 1954 |
Everybody's Going Underwater. MGM Stars color photo, Jack Dempsey, Braves Bench Warmer, Margo & Eddie Albert, Culver City Jalopy Derby, Chincoteague Round-up -- 8 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, insect damage, wear |
$15.00 |
July 27, 1954 |
Janet Leigh. Sad Story of Barbara Hutton, Tom Model Tells How to be Slim, Will Russia Beat Us to the Moon?, Grandma Moses on Eisenhowers Art, Richie Ashburn, Mexico by Trailer |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
August 10, 1954 |
"10,000 Leagues Under the Sea" Movie. FDR Jr., Dust Bowl Story, Mapping the Brain, On the Waterfront, Gary Crosby, Kay Winsor, Ed Sullivan, Will the Indians Fold Again 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$15.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
August 24, 1954 |
Liz Taylor & Son. Hollywood Mothers, Ed Murrow, Space Travel, Herbert Hoover, "Magnificent Obsession", Baseball in Finland, Mighty Kluszewski |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 5 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, label removed |
$17.50 |
September 7, 1954 |
Clark Gable: His Life in Pictures. Heart Miracles, Dodgers & Dressen, Flying Tigers by Chennault 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
September 21, 1954 |
Arthur Godfrey. Willie Mays, World of the Insane, "Rear Window", 1954 Football Forecast 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Fair - cover split at spine |
$7.50 |
October 5, 1954 |
Doctors Bills. All-America Baseball Team, Brown Hair Beauty, Phenix City Alabama, Brigadoon, Hollywood & Egypt, Tito by Eleanor Roosevelt, What Is a Mormon? |
Good |
$25.00 |
October 19, 1954 |
Why Women Love Liberace. Thomas E Dewey, Dick Shawn, "A Star Is Born", Morocco by William O Douglas 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, tear, creases |
$15.00 |
November 2, 1954 |
Not Available |
NA |
November 16, 1954 |
Lingerie Fashions. 80 Years of Churchill by Robert E Sherwood, "Must We Have War" by Adlai Stevenson, Steve Allen, Danny Kaye 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
November 30, 1954 |
Gina Lollobrigida. Rocky Graziano, Russian Women, Medic, Theres No Business Like Show Business 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Fair/Good, creases, spots |
$15.00 |
December 14, 1954 |
Norman Vincent Peale, Bishop Sheen. All-America Football, Mary Martin in Peter Pan, FDR & His Decision for War by Ickes, Rocky Graziano part 2, Crosby & Grace Kelly Try for Academy Awards, June Taylor 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, stains, wear |
$15.00 |
December 28, 1954 |
Annual TV Awards Luci & Desi & Family cover. Babies for |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
Same |
Good, edge chipped |
$25.00 |
January 11, 1955 |
Grace Kelly. I Predict for 1955 Special Issue. |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
January 25, 1955 |
Ava Gardner What Is Sex Appeal? Now I Know Why They Boo Me by Jackie Robinson, Ikes Grandchildren, A Summer Bachelors Dream, Tiger Boy to Jet Pilot, Sport Shirts |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
February 8, 1955 |
Suzy Parker in |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
February 22, 1955 |
Debbie Reynolds & Eddie Fisher. Rotary Club, Malenkov, Esther Williams, Jackie Robinson 6 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, wear, stain |
$15.00 |
March 8, 1955 |
The Eisenhower I Know (Ike and Mamie cover). Country Vet, Toscanini, Nanette Fabray, Bowling - 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
March 22, 1955 |
Bing Crosby & Judy Garland. Movie Awards, Wave of Terror Threatens the South, Snow Trails, All-America Basketball, Martha Raye, Polly Bergen |
G/VG |
$45.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
April 5, 1955 |
How Ed Sullivan Does It. Shirley Jones in " |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
April 19, 1955 |
Report on the Royal Family. Sioux Indians, Ed Sullivan, Shirley MacLaine, Americas Rarest Animal, The Melancholy Monarch 3 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, chipped corner |
$20.00 |
May 3, 1955 |
The Mystery of
Willie Mays.
Gisele MacKenzie, Tulips in |
Not Available |
NA |
May 17, 1955 |
Marlon Brando The Real Story. New Swimsuits, The Dorseys, Gene Conly, US
Security Risk 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
May 31, 1955 |
How Much Do We Know About Women? (Kim Novak cover). J Edgar Hoover Inside Story, George Gobel, Bahamas Holiday, Lady and the Tramp 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
June 14, 1955 |
Jackie Gleasons Pal (Art) Carney. Peter Townsend & Princess Margaret, Blueprint for Flying Saucers, Hiroshima, The Red Sox |
Good, crease |
$30.00 |
June 28, 1955 |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same - 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
July 12, 1955 |
All About Love by Julian Huxley. Hollywood Fathers, Gloria Vanderbilt, Tito & The Russians, Paul Winchell, Gwen Verdon, Barbecue Bug 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
July 26, 1955 |
Walt Disney, Davy Crockett (Fess Parker) at |
G/VG |
$50.00 |
Same |
G/VG, top edge stain |
$35.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$30.00 |
August 9, 1955 |
Inside Hell ( |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good spine damage |
$15.00 |
August 23, 1955 |
Virginia Murray. Teen-Age Gangs, Pius XII by Bishop Sheen, Germany & Adenaur, Juan Carlos, Ivy League Fashions, Boxing, Cary Grant - 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 6, 1955 |
Frank Sinatra 7 Color Pages of Recording Stars. Ill Beat Rocky by Archie Moore, Ike-Truman Feud, Joan Collins, Paul Dean Jr., Garbo at Capri |
Not Available |
NA |
September 20, 1955 |
Billy Graham. Paris Fashions, Adlai Stevenson, 1955 Football Forecast, $64,000 Question, James Cagney |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, stain |
$15.00 |
October 4, 1955 |
Clark Gable. 1955 Baseball All-America, Notre Dame Football, Dave Garroway, Worlds 100 Most Important People |
Not Available |
NA |
October 18, 1955 |
Princess Margaret. Five Wives of Clark Gable, Jeannie Carson, John Polzer, Artists Under Fifteen, Subsidized Athlete, North and South of the Border, Benson Ford, What I Will Tell My Children About Color |
Good, wear |
$15.00 |
November 1, 1955 |
Jack Bennys 39 Years by William Saroyan. Doctors and Lawsuits, New Soviet Smile, Ducks & Decoys, Paul Brown Footballs Winningest Coach, Why I Quit Tournament Golf by Ben Hogan |
Good, edge stain |
$17.50 |
November 15, 1955 |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
November 29, 1955 |
Janet Leigh & Tony Curtis in |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
December 13, 1955 |
The War Among the Doctors. Russia by Justice Douglas, 1955 Football All-America, Lourdes, Person to Person, Susan Hayward, TVs Happiest Outlaws |
Good, edge stain |
$17.50 |
December 27, 1955 |
Women In the Time of Christ 6 New Paintings by a Modern Master. Inside
Story of Ikes Heart Attack, |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
January 10, 1956 |
Grace Kelly cover. |
Not Available |
NA |
January 24, 1956 |
The |
Not Available |
NA |
February 7, 1956 |
Jackie Gleason's Life. Billy Graham, Carmen Basilio, Spanish Jam Session,
Snowbound in |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same 2 copie |
Fair/Good |
$12.50 |
February 21, 1956 |
2,000 MPH Pilot Lt. Col. Frank Everest. Truth About Teachers, Jackie Gleason part 2, Robin Freeman, Benny Goodman, Debutante Fashions, Martine Carol, The Kefauvers 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
March 6, 1956 |
Debbie & Eddie Fisher. Los Angeles, Walter Chrysler, Baseball by Bob Feller, Jackie Gleason part 3, Mens Suits, America Dances 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same 3 copies |
Good cover insect dmg. |
$15.00 |
March 20, 1956 |
15th Annual Look Movie Awards - cover of Jimmy Cagney & Susan Hayward.
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
April 3, 1956 |
The South vs. the Supreme Court (many articles). Years Best Sports Pictures, Siobhan McKenna, Phil Silvers, Anything Goes |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
April 17, 1956 |
How We Stand on Heart, Cancer, Polio, Childbirth. Al Kaline, Eddie Arcaro, Van Gogh movie, Lucille Ball Goes Home Again, My Fair Lady on Broadway 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
May 1, 1956 |
Fair/Good |
$12.50 |
May 15, 1956 |
Gina Lollobrigida Joins the Circus. The Policeman, What Ike Doesn't Like, Guided Missiles Crisis, Hank Aaron, Julius La Rosa 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good cover edge damage |
$15.00 |
May 29, 1956 |
The New Marilyn Monroe. Arab vs. Jew What Hope for |
Good |
$50.00 |
June 12, 1956 |
Beach cover. Joe |
Not Available |
NA |
June 26, 1956 |
Elizabeth Taylor, Rock & Roll, Ted Williams, Victor Borge, Captain Kangaroo, Segregation in the North, Rock n Roll Ruckus |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
July 10, 1956 |
Ed Sullivan in Japan. Liz Taylor, Hypnosis, Calcutta, A Visit with Carl Sandburg (6 pages of photos), Vin Scully, Gene Tunney Today |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
July 24, 1956 |
Gregory Peck at 40. Democratic Review, Back Yard Vacation, Mickey Mantle, Moby Dick, Dunninger Magic, Happy Pills 2 copies |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
August 7, 1956 |
Prince Philip The Queens Controversial Husband. Elvis Presley, West Coast Football Scandals, Vera Miles Hitchcocks New Star, Meet a Real Parisienne, Karen Hantze, Cooper Does a Crosby |
Good, stained |
$15.00 |
August 21, 1956 |
British Women Are Pretty. Harry Belafonte, Football Scandal Hits the Big 10, "High Society", Humphrey Bogart, Why Stalin Had to Die 5 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 4, 1956 |
Clark Gable: The King Has Four Queens. Personal Picture Story by Ernest Hemingway, Buying a Used Car, Louis Armstrong, Rita Moreno, Peter Lind Hayes |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
September 18, 1956 |
The West (Special Section). Hal March, 1956 Football Forecast, Ingrid Bergman, Presidents Doctor, Allergies, Asthma |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
October 2, 1956 |
What Psychoanalysis Did For Me by Sid Caesar. The Germans, Marciano, All America Baseball, Hollywood Newlyweds Russ Tamblyn & Venetia Stevenson 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, insect damage |
$17.50 |
October 16, 1956 |
James Dean The Story of the
Strangest Legend Since Valentino, The American Woman, Rocky Marciano, Great
Title Fighters, Art Linkletter, War and Peace 2 copies |
Good |
$40.00 |
October 30, 1956 |
"Our Life Today" by Duchess of Windsor. Marciano, Olivier and
Monroe, "Friendly Persuasion", Walter Winchell 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
November 13, 1956 |
Janet Leigh & Tony Curtis Their First Baby. Bud Wilkinson, The Elvis
Industry, Jay McMaster, Red |
Not Available |
NA |
November 27, 1956 |
The American Auto 1896 to 1957 38 pictures in color. Plight of Jews in Soviet Russia, The Ten Commandments, LA Rams, Ava Gardner, Baby Black Market |
Good, stain |
$17.50 |
December 11, 1956 |
Princess Grace and Her Prince. Queen Elizabeths Son A Royal Problem, Babe Didrickson & I by George Zaharias, Ava Gardner, Titos Secret Role in the Satellite Revolt, Ernie Kovacs, 80 Days with Cantinflas, Case for Big-Time Football |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
December 25, 1956 |
The Desi-Lucy Love Story Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz with Desi Jr. St. Paul and Christianity, All-America Football 1956, Carroll Baker, Sophia Loren |
G/VG |
$40.00 |
Same |
Good |
$30.00 |
January 8, 1957 |
20th Anniversary Issue. 1937-1957 History, Look Geophysical Atlas, Annual TV Awards, 20 Years of Fashion |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
January 22, 1957 |
Why Too Many Babies Die, My Future by Jackie Robinson, Pat Boone, Whats Happened to the Emmett Till Killers |
Not Available |
NA |
February 5, 1957 |
Jerry Lewis. Princess Grace at Home, Life of Pope Pius XII, Written On the Wind, |
Not Available |
NA |
February 19, 1957 |
Erin O'Brien. Wilt Chamberlain, John Kasper Intruder in the South, We Had Siamese Twins, life Story of Pope Pius XII part 2, Russias Priveledged Few, Murder on Skis fiction by Gordon Gaskill |
Not Available |
NA |
March 5, 1957 |
Princess Grace & baby. Diana Barrymore, Largest Airplane, Jean Seberg, He Met FDR The Pope in the USA, Jean Beliveau, U.S.S Enterprises Last Battle |
Not Available |
NA |
March 19, 1957 |
Movie Awards Ingrid Bergman cover. Los Angeles A Racial Success Story, Diana Barrymore My Battle with my Father, 1957 Baseball Preview 2 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good, spine tears |
$20.00 |
April 2, 1957 |
Inside Russia by John Gunther. Basketball All America, Red Skelton, Lil Abner on Broadway, Dior Fashions, Fernando Lamas 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
April 16, 1957 |
Perry Como. Inside Red China, Complete Nero Wolfe Mystery by Rex Stout, Years Best Sports Pictures, My Day of Reckoning by Diana Barrymore |
Not Available |
NA |
April 30, 1957 |
Queen Elizabeth Her Personal Crisis. Bertrand Russell, KKK, Gil Hodges, Dinah Shore, Why Israel Will Live - 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
May 14, 1957 |
Life of Frank Sinatra. Are Ball Players Afraid by Birdie Tebbetts, X-Rays in Color, Funny Face |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
May 28, 1957 |
Revolution in the Marine Corps. Frank Sinatra, Sir Arthur Bryant, Herb Score, Clint Walker, Rosalind Russell, A Solution for the South |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
June 11, 1957 |
Plane Talk by Arthur Godfrey. Baseball, School Controversy, Frank Sinatra, Cagney Plays Chaney, California Clothes, Gena Rowlands & John Cassavetes |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$15.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
June 25, 1957 |
Lawrence Welk. Nasser Talks, Milwaukee Braves, Dachshund Dogtown, Natalie Wood, Belafonte 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, insect damage |
$17.50 |
July 9, 1957 |
Boats Are Busting Out All Over. Nero Wolfe Complete novel by Rex Stout, The Shriners, Groucho Marx, Red Barber, Texas Corruption |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
July 23, 1957 |
Teen-Agers. Case for Ted Williams, Princess Anne, San Francisco, Mike Wallace, 7-Day Summer Diet 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
August 6, 1957 |
Americanization of Sophia Loren. The Brothers Kennedy, Mickey Mantle's Private World (by Mrs. Mantle), Teresa Brewer, Hugh O'Brian |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
August 20, 1957 |
I Fly the President. Branch Rickey, TV Quiz Show Scandal, Duke Ellington, Tony Franciosa, Herb Score, A Hatful of Rain 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
September 3, 1957 |
The Unusual Beauty of Swedish Girls. Big Change in Nixon, Interview with Adenauer, Bergen Evans, 25 Years of Ma Perkins, Branch Rickey part 2 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same - 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, spine splitting |
$15.00 |
Same |
Fair/Good, stain |
$12.50 |
September 17, 1957 |
Fall TV Forecast. Methodists in America, Branch Rickey part 3, New Hope for the Childless, Les Girls- 5 copies |
G/VG |
$35.00 |
October 1, 1957 |
The Coming Death of the Flying Air Force (Rocket cover). Marilyn Monroes New Life, Bud Wilkinson on Oklahoma Football, Baseball All-America, Tennessee Ernie Ford |
Good |
$20.00 |
October 15, 1957 |
Suzy (Parker) Stuns Hollywood. Army-Notre Dame Football, Billy Graham Reports on NY, Complete Erle Stanley Gardner Mystery, Arkansas, Gisele MacKenzie, Country Fashions 3 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good, spine split, tear |
$17.50 |
October 29, 1957 |
Queen Elizabeth. The Atomic Bomb, Royal Visit, Frank Gifford, Sayonara, James Arness 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
November 12, 1957 |
Kim Novak. The Real Little Rock Story, Bernard Baruch, George Putnam, Althea Gibson, Catholics in America, Souths Great Football War 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
November 26, 1957 |
New Cars Full Color Guide to 1958 American and Foreign Models. My 10 Years as a Counterspy, Jon Arnett, Hitchcocks World, Pal Joey, Plight of the Gifted Child |
Good, crease |
$20.00 |
December 10, 1957 |
Man Prepares for Space Travel. Pope and His Doctor, Inside the Soviet Spy
System, Highway Robbery in |
Not Available |
NA |
December 24, 1957 |
Princess Rainier, Princess Grace & Caroline. New Life of Jesus by Norman Vincent Peale (20 page insert), 1957 All-America Football, Bridge on the River Kwai, Danny Thomas 3 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
January 7, 1958 |
Eisenhower, Brigitte Bardot Conquers America. 1958 TV Awards, GM's 50 Years, Mixed-Up Democrats 5 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
January 21, 1958 |
Jack Paar. Story of the Mormons, Three Roads to Peace, Bowling, Rita Hayworth, Desserts, Old Yeller dog 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Fair/Good |
$12.50 |
February 4, 1958 |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
February 18, 1958 |
This is New York 40 pages on the Worlds Most Exciting Island. Patti Pages New Life, The American Male 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
March 4, 1958 |
Steve Allen & Jayne Meadows. Shrinking South, Robert Preston, Frank McGuire 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 6 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
March 18, 1958 |
Rock Hudson: Why Hes No. 1. Peyton Place Story, Military Manpower Scandal, 1958 Baseball Preview, George Burns, Scandinavian-American Look, Susan Strasberg 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, spine splitting |
$15.00 |
April 1, 1958 |
Princess Margaret. Basketball All-America, J Robert Oppenheimer, Ice Skater Carol Heiss, "Sunrise at Campobello", Lutherans in America 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$17.50 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, tear |
$12.50 |
April 15, 1958 |
Revolution in Records (Sinatra, Presley, Mathis, etc.) Big Leagues are Killing Baseball, Everly Brothers, The Young Lions 2 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
April 29, 1958 |
Winston Churchill. Willie Mays Goes West, Polly Bergen, Peter Ustinov, "Marjorie Morningstar" 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
May 13, 1958 |
Bing Crosby & Wife. Jimmy Hoffa, The Surface Navy, American Bandstand, Years Best Sports Pictures, Diane Varsi |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
May 27, 1958 |
Princess Grace & New Prince. |
Good, tear |
$15.00 |
June 10, 1958 |
I Found the Russians Can Laugh Too by Bob Hope. 50 Fish & 50 Lures in Color, How Doctors Use Hypnosis 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
June 24, 1958 |
Hugh O'Brian & TV Westerns. Little Rock Story, Tony Perkins, Dianne Lennon, TV Western Sportswear 4 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
July 8, 1958 |
Elizabeth Taylor by Mike Todd. News From Outer Space, Bill Cullen, |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same - 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
July 22, 1958 |
Bing & Bob Crosby. Eisenhower The Boy and the Man, Josh Logan, John Gavin, Janet Munro |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
August 5, 1958 |
Pat Boone. Phil Rizzuto, Bertrand Russell, Military Air Crashes, Sex Killer 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 8 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
August 19, 1958 |
Suzy Parker. Racial Ordeal in Levittown, Questions on "21", Los Angeles Dodgers 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 2, 1958 |
Ingrid Bergman. Smaller Cars, Red Schoendienst, Raymond Burr, "The Old Man and the Sea" 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 16, 1958 |
Fall TV Forecast (Gary Moore, Gleason, Dinah Shore, James Garner). Julie London, 1958 Football Forecast 4 copies |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$25.00 |
September 30, 1958 |
New Middle West - Special Issue. Religious Conflicts That Divide Us, Football Crazy Columbus Ohio, Chicagos Segregation Tragedy, Topeka by Karl Menninger |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, cover tear |
$17.50 |
October 14, 1958 |
Elizabeth Taylor. Yalta Hiss & the A-Bomb by James F Byrnes, Baseball All-America, Bob Cummings 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, corner stain |
$15.00 |
October 28, 1958 |
New Cars: The Big 1959 Changes.
Elections, The Baptists, FDR by James Byrnes, Captain Kangaroo, Johnny Mathis |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, wear |
$17.50 |
November 11, 1958 |
The Men in My Life by Harriet Nelson (all 3 on cover). The Presidency by Harry S Truman, Teen-Age Rocketeers, Vic Janowicz, Leonard Bernstein, Fashions 6 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
Good |
$20.00 |
November 25, 1958 |
Russia's Two Faces by Adlai E Stevenson. "Gunsmoke's" Amanda Blake, John Huston Movies, Ministers & Sex Problems 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
December 9, 1958 |
Elizabeth II & Philip. Ingemar Johansson, Shari Lewis, Julie Newmar, Christian Scientists, Visit with Alexander Calder, Inside Toys 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
December 23, 1958 |
Jerry Lewis & Family. All-America Football, Life of Christ in Art, Collier Trophy Award, Christmas in Berlin |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
January 6, 1959 |
The Insane World of Adolf Hitler (Color photos of Nazi Germany & Hitler). Look TV Awards, South Fights Bombing, Bright Young Girls of France, Swimsuits 4 copies |
G/VG |
$25.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$20.00 |
January 20, 1959 |
Mrs. Bing Crosby & Son. Hockey by Tim Cohane, Man Behind Auntie Mame, Bernard Goldfine 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$15.00 |
February 3, 1959 |
Report on Hospitals. Desiree of Sweden, Oscar Robertson (Basketball), Kathy Nolan, Dr. Conants High School Plan, Fifth Avenue Fashions 8 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
February 17, 1959 |
At Home with Khrushchev. The American League, Maria Callas, Peter Gunn Girl, Comeback of the Male Teacher, Keep Fit for Skiing 8 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$15.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
March 3, 1959 |
American Woman by Diane Trilling. Havana Cuba Memo, Betsy Palmer, Notre Dame Football, Peter Townsend, Springhill Nova Scotia 6 copies |
G/VG |
$17.50 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
March 17, 1959 |
This Is My Story by Steve Allen. Little Rock, Commercial Jets, 1959 Basketball Preview - 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, smudges |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, creases, wear |
$15.00 |
March 31, 1959 |
Pope John XXIII, Steve Allen, Visit with Robert Frost, Basketball All-America, Brigitte Bardot 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 7 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
April 14, 1959 |
Florida Special Section. Jayne Meadows, The Braves Pitchers, Real-Life Detectives, High Fashion for Small Girls 6 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, wear, creases |
$12.50 |
April 28, 1959 |
Can Rockefeller knock-off Nixon? Casey Stengel, Carolyn Jones, Barrie Chase & Astaire, Jackets, American Snobs 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
May 12, 1959 |
Perry Como. Hawaii, Senator Kennedy Sounds Off, Eugene O'Neill, Sports Pictures, Firefighting 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
May 26, 1959 |
Shocking Hole in Defense. 1959 Hitlerism, Jackie Jensen, Tuesday Weld, Charlie Weaver, "Diary of Anne Frank" 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
June 9, 1959 |
The Whole Story of Richard Nixon. Fire At Sea, Gil McDougald, Garry Moore, Connie Towers, Heartbreak Golf Hole, Fire at Sea 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good water stain |
$12.50 |
June 23, 1959 |
Wives of the Stars (Clint Walkers, Chuck Connors, Steve McQueens). Floyd Patterson, Inside Negro Africa, Strawberries, Magarets New Prince, Broadway Under Tents 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 4 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
July 7, 1959 |
Queen Elizabeth's Problems. Hospitals, Orlando Cepeda, Margherita Roberti, Kookie Byrnes, The Queen and the Canadians |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
July 21, 1959 |
What Is Jack Paar Really Like? Visit with Dr. Spock, Rocky Colavito, Jazz Festivals |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 7 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
August 4, 1959 |
Sports Cars. Jack Paar, Big Change in Texas, Bill Veeck, American Drugstore Astonishes Pole 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, ink |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, creases |
$12.50 |
Same |
Good, label cut out, creases |
$12.50 |
August 18, 1959 |
Princess Grace. Edward R Murrow, Lyndon Johnson, Ernie Banks, Hitchock's "North By Northwest" 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 1, 1959 |
20th Anniversary of WWII - How Hitler Fooled the British and Attacked the Poles. Poland Then and Now, Cecil Beaton Photographs Japan, Cary Grant, Andy Williams 4 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 6 copies |
Good |
$17.50 |
September 15, 1959 |
Shirley MacLaine. Khrushchev in the US, Fall TV Forecast, 1959 Football Forecast, Fidel Castro - 3 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$15.00 |
September 29, 1959 |
Special Issue on California - Movies Moral Code, Co-Eds, Sports, Local TV, Migrants, Test Pilot, Cow Town, Talent, Fashions, etc. 2 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
October 13, 1959 |
Detroits New Small Cars (Corvair, Valiant, Falcon). Senator Jack Kennedy, New Eisenhower Library, Picasso Moving Day, Red Skelton, Lee Remick, Baseball All-America 2 copies |
Good, spine splitting |
$17.50 |
Same |
Good, insect damage |
$17.50 |
October 27, 1959 |
Cast of Wagon Train. 1960 Cars in Color, Army Football, Jack Kennedy: Heir to Power, Soviet Surgery, Ward Bond, The D-Day Puzzle, Wild Bobcat, Collier Trophy |
G/VG, mailing label torn off bottom corner |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good, ink notation on cover |
$20.00 |
November 10, 1959 |
Fred Astaire at 60. Adolf Hitlers Eva Braun, Jack Kennedys Religion, Jane Fonda, Newest Compact Car |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
November 24, 1959 |
Dick Clark Talks to Teenagers. Fred Astaire & His Women, Cleveland's
Jim Brown, Patty Duke, Arlene Francis, Carroll Baker |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |
December 8, 1959 |
Revolution in Adoption. Earl Longs Louisiana, Harry Belafonte, Johnny Unitas, Memories of Fiorello, Joanne Woodward 3 copies |
Good |
$15.00 |
Same |
Good, stains throughout |
$12.50 |
Same WITH Insert paper record ad Music to Shave By for Remington with Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong, Rosemary Clooney |
G/VG |
$30.00 |
December 22, 1959 |
The Arthur Godfrey You Dont Know. Football All-America, Christmas in San Francisco, Our Critical Military Need, Little Boy on Broadway, Boy Discovers Rome, Lance Reventlow & Fast Cars 5 copies |
G/VG |
$20.00 |
Same |
Good |
$17.50 |