Popular Science Magazine 1970 - 1979
Magazines By Title - National Geographic - Issues, Maps, Books - Life Magazine- Time - Look - Saturday Evening Post - Collier's - New Yorker - Newsweek - People -Atlantic/Harper's - Fortune Sports Illustrated Ebony
Vanity Fair Rolling Stone Ladies
Home Journal Holiday Smithsonian Mad Magazine TV
Guide Holiday Vogue
Harpers Bazaar Major TITLES Index
Magazines By Topic -
Men's - Women's - Children's
- News/Current Events - Digests - Sports - Movie/TV/Radio - House/Farm/Garden - Music/Rock 'n Roll - Travel Hunting/Fishing
Business Farming Auto/Mechanics - Aviation Train/Model Railroad - Art & Design Photography Pulp
Science Antiques Radio/Electronics Crafts Cooking/Food
Foreign Titles - History Science Fiction - OTHER.Magazine Topics
Miscellaneous - Newspapers - Sheet Music
- Books
- Paperbacks
- Catalogs/Ephemera
- 78/45/LP
How To Place An Order Magazine
Title Index
Condition Grading
Date: |
Cover Description |
Condition |
Price ea |
January, 1970 |
Build a Tune-Up Center For Your Car (Last small-size issue) |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1970 |
(Larger size hereon). Your First Look at |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
March, 1970 |
Amazing New Air Cycle (foldout cover) 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
April, 1970 |
Why They Should Tell You the Octane Rating on the Gasoline You Buy by Ralph Nader 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
May, 1970 |
Fords New Smog-Free Engine 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
June, 1970 |
RCAs 4-Ring Circus TV 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
July, 1970 |
How You Can Own and Fly Your Own Whirlybird 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
Same |
Good, no back cover |
$5.00 |
August, 1970 |
A Zero-Emission Urban Car Powered by a Super Flywheel! 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same 2 copies |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
September, 1970 |
Build a Guest Room You Can Squeeze Into a 10 Space 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
October, 1970 |
Mintos Unique Steamless Steam Car |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
November, 1970 |
The Box Far-Out Fun Car |
Not Available |
NA |
December, 1970 |
Those Wild Watches with Built-In Brains |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
January, 1971 |
Man-Powered Flight 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1971 |
New Breakthrough Electric Car 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
March, 1971 |
New Wheels for the Wild Country Which Ones the Most Fun For You? 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
April, 1971 |
Tires For Your Car 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
May, 1971 |
Build the PS Mini-Camper for Your Mini Compact 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
June, 1971 |
Super Oils For Your Car 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
July, 1971 |
Big Boom in the New Bikes 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
August, 1971 |
Far-Out Vacation Shelters 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
September, 1971 |
New See-All-Around Bubble Sub |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
October, 1971 |
Flying Rail Twin-Engine Plane You Can Build for $2500 |
Good |
$7.50 |
November, 1971 |
PRT: New Way to Get Where Youre Going |
Good |
$7.50 |
December, 1971 |
Color TV on your Black-and-White Set 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
January, 1972 |
Getting High on Hot Air Ballooning 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
February, 1972 |
Uniray New Kind of Color Tube 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
March, 1972 |
PS Tests Five New Camping Trailers Designed For Your Small Car 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
April, 1972 |
New Generation of Wasp-Waist Airliners by Wernher von Braun 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
May, 1972 |
100th Anniversary Issue. GM Rotary Engine cover. 240 pages 3 copies |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
Same |
Good |
$10.00 |
June, 1972 |
The New ESVs Cars That Will Let You Walk Away From Fatal Crashes 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
July, 1972 |
Advanced Driving Skills |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
August, 1972 |
Two-Way Stretch Van Conversion You Can Make 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
September, 1972 |
4.5 by 6 Foot Color TV Picture On Your Living Room Wall 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
October, 1972 |
NASAs Startling SST: Flying Scissors Jetliner Cuts the Sonic Boom. 1973 Cars 2 copies |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
Same 2 copies |
Good |
$10.00 |
November, 1972 |
Power From Windmills |
Good |
$7.50 |
December, 1972 |
Energy From the Sun 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
January, 1973 |
Pocket Polaroid SX-70 Camera 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1973 |
Stirling-Cycle Engine Promises Low Emissions Without Add-Ons 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good, fray |
$7.50 |
March, 1973 |
Electronics Calculators |
Good |
$7.50 |
April, 1973 |
Hondas New CVCC Car Engine 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
May, 1973 |
New Research on Steel-Belted Radial Tires 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1973 |
Tune Your 10-Speed Bike 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1973 |
New Take-Along Phones |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
August, 1973 |
The Real Build-It-Yourself BD-5 Plane 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
September, 1973 |
EPA/Chrysler Turbine Car (foldout cover) 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1973 |
Phony Money Detectors 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
November, 1973 |
First Test Flight NASAs X-24B Lifting Body |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
December, 1973 |
A Sharp Look At Those New Electric Shavers 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
January, 1974 |
New Answering Machines 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1974 |
Side-Flying Research Plane 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1974 |
Ways to Ease the Energy Pinch Solar Home cover 7 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
April, 1974 |
Chevys New Vega-Size Car With Twin-Rotor Wankel Power, Coming in 75 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
May, 1974 |
Hang Gliders 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1974 |
Stirling-Cycle Auto Engine 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1974 |
Wind Power 2 copies |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
August, 1974 |
Gas-Saving Gadgets 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
September, 1974 |
How Theyre Improving the Wankel 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1974 |
This Steam Car Works 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
November, 1974 |
Re-Usable Space Shuttle 5 copies |
G/VG |
$15.00 |
December, 1974 |
Solar Cells 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
January, 1975 |
Listen Faster New Tape Recorder 6 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1975 |
New Logic in Small-Car Engineering 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1975 |
Solar Heating Equipment 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
April, 1975 |
New Space-Age Graphite Fiber 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
May, 1975 |
Eggbeater Windmill 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1975 |
Two Little Electric Cars 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1975 |
Stratified-Charge Engines 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
August, 1975 |
Smokey Yunicks Total Energy System |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
September, 1975 |
New Turbo-Electric Car |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
October, 1975 |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
November, 1975 |
Tire Testing Machines 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
December, 1975 |
Energy |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
January, 1976 |
Bottoming-Cycle Engines |
Not Available |
NA |
February, 1976 |
Giant New Super STOL (Plane) 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1976 |
Large-Scale Wind Power |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
April, 1976 |
The Big Debate Over Synthetic Oil |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
May, 1976 |
Solar Water Heaters 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1976 |
Electronic Ignition |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
July, 1976 |
Kodak EK6 Instant Camera |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
August, 1976 |
Fords New Variable Venturi Carburetor 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
September, 1976 |
Nutcracker VTOL Folds In Flight 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1976 |
Concentrating Collectors for Solar Heating and Cooling |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
November, 1976 |
Hybrid Windmobile 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
Same |
Good |
$7.50 |
December, 1976 |
Passive Solar Homes |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
January, 1977 |
Tornado Turbine Reaps Power from a Whirlwind 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1977 |
Video-Disc Players 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1977 |
Wankel Fanliner Private Plane 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
April, 1977 |
Energy-Saving Underground Houses 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
May, 1977 |
Water Power For Your Home 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1977 |
No-Fill, No-Fuss Batteries 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1977 |
Worlds Most Advanced Solar Home 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
August, 1977 |
Spectroscopic Oil Analysis 5 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
September, 1977 |
Buicks Turbocharged V6 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1977 |
New $595 Home Computer (Commodore) 3 copies |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
November, 1977 |
New Elliptic Tire 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
December, 1977 |
Ram-Wing X-114 |
G/VG |
$12.50 |
January, 1978 |
Traveling Telephones 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1978 |
Lifting Foils Tap Energy 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1978 |
Satellite-to-You TV |
Not Available |
NA |
April, 1978 |
Wingless Plane 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
May, 1978 |
Super Slippery Oils 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1978 |
Solar Stirling Engine 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1978 |
Superdrone 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
August, 1978 |
MHD Generators 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
September, 1978 |
13 Wind Machines 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1978 |
Moon Science 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
November, 1978 |
Hot Canard Plane 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
December, 1978 |
Pedaling for $100,000 How MacCready Designed His New Plane to Fly the Channel 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
January, 1979 |
Insulating Window Shade 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
February, 1979 |
Exotic New Batteries 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
March, 1979 |
Home Computers How They Compare 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
April, 1979 |
Inside GMs New Front-Drive Compacts 3 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
May, 1979 |
New Giant-Screen TV |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
June, 1979 |
Car Computers |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
July, 1979 |
Revival of the SST 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
August, 1979 |
Computerized Cars |
Not Available |
NA |
September, 1979 |
More Miles Plasma-Jet Ignition 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
October, 1979 |
Basement Flywheel Stores Solar Energy 4 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
November, 1979 |
How Computers Redesign a Car For More MPG 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |
December, 1979 |
Double-Shell Solar House 2 copies |
G/VG |
$10.00 |