Vogue Magazine (U.S. Edition) 1952 Issues

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January, 1952

Cover by Blumenfeld (of Suzy Parker). 1952 Fashions Coming, New Eye On Fabrics, New Sort of January. People Are Talking About, General Ridgeway, Mrs. Ridgeway, and Their Son, Mr. and Mrs. David Niven, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fonda, The Art of Being Conservative by James A. Pike, The Judy Garland Phenomenon by Allene Talmey, Doisneau – Great French Photographer, Big Dipper by J. F. C. Bryce, Leonardo da Vinci Celebration


In Original Mailing Sleeve


February 1, 1952

Americana Number 1952, Americans In Fashion, Hollywood Brains, U. S. A. Beauties. Vogue’s Eye View On Taking America For Granted, American Beauties: Mrs. Anthony Bliss, Mrs. William Woodward, Junior, Mrs. John Sims Kelly, Miss Daphne Bedford, Mrs. Robert Sweeny, Miss Diane Bultinck, Everyday America – Beauty For The Seeing, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, The Calculated Risk by Gerald W. Johnson, The Marshall Field Story by Peter Reed, The Art of Accepting Oneself by Jean Stafford, High Noon in Your Life by Ernesta Barlow, Living Dangerously – Drawings by Saul Steinberg, Verses by Ogden Nash, Hollywood Brains by Allene Talmey, People Are Talking About, Winterthur – Americana Museum by Millicent Fenwick


In Original Mailing Sleeve


February 15, 1952

Cover by Coffin Fashions: More-Taste-Than-Money, New Idea About Hats. The New Listening by Alice S. Morris, Birds in Their Little Nests by Dorothy Van Doren, Observations for Young Gentlemen by Lawrence Grant White, People Are Talking About, Sir John Randolph Shane Leslie, Italian Designers Visiting New York, Young Hunting Couples in Virginia, Donna Laudomia del Drago, Recreation, $36: Camp Haugen Northern Japan, Rare Book Chase, Fan-shaped Texas House

VG, tape on upper spine


In Original Mailing Sleeve


March 1, 1952

Cover by Rutledge American Fashions In Motion, Paris Collections. King George VI, Britain’s New Queen by A. L. Rowse, People Are Talking About, Miss Lilli Palmer, New York City Ballet by Allene Talmey, Miss Audrey Hepburn; Miss Tess D’Erlanger, The Art of Concentration by Abbe Ernest Dimnet, Ideas For Afternoon Tea

Not Available


March 15, 1952

Cover by Rutledge (of Suzy Parker).  Accessories Special, Paris Collections. The Involuntary Bet by William H. Ittelson, Cool Jazz by Barry Ulanov, Mrs. Armory S. Carhart, Junior; Mrs. Bertrand Taylor, Junior; Mrs. Winston F. C. Guest; Mrs. Lewis Preston, For The Men – Brown For A Change, Bing Crosby, People are Talking About, Turkish Delight by Ann Bridge

Not Available


April 1, 1952

Cover by Prigent Key Dresses For City-Spring, Brides’ Handbook. Agnes Moorehead; Paul Gregory, People Are Talking About, “Duveen’s Millionaires”, The Royal Family of The Netherlands, Dancing School, The Art of Respecting Boundaries by Elizabeth Bowen, Locale for British Writers, Handbook for Young Travellers in Europe


In Original Mailing Sleeve


April 15, 1952

Cover by Rawlings New Pinks To Summer In, New Décor – Bamboo, New Soft Line In Dresses. Mrs. Amory S. Carhart, Junior, Mrs. William H. McManus, Miss Barbara Bel Geddes, Barry Nelson, People Are Talking About, Jose Ferrer, Miss Julie Harris, How Come You Settled Down Here? By Wright Morris, Enjoying the Theatre by Ivor Brown, Why Cezanne Is Great by Aline B. Louchheim, Paul Cezanne’s Studio at Aix-en-Provence, Holy Week In Seville, Miss Grace George, House in San Francisco


In Original Mailing Sleeve


May 1, 1952

Cover by Penn The Unspent Summer: Fashion Tip Sheet. Gossipy Memo from Paris Vogue, Funny Bones, “The Grass Harp”, Nassau, B. W. I. – People and Parties, Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Thayer, II, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Loskot, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Count and Countess Rene Bouet-Willaumez, The Art of Living in the Present by Charles Morgan, Controversial Painter Dubuffet by Allene Talmey

Not Available


May 15, 1952

Cover by Penn Summer Fashion Insurance. People Are Talking About, James Symington, Moroccan Dictionary – from A to Z, French Morocco in Colour – photographed by Irving Penn (9 pages), Nostell Priory – Great English House, Now Open to The Public, My Brother Vincent by Raymond Massey, The Right Honourable Vincent Massey, Motels: American Phenomenon, Mrs. Francis X Shields; Mrs. Lewis Cass Ledyard, III, By Special Appointment to George Apley by John P. Marquand, Increase Your Reading Skill by Paul Boyd, Hamper Meals by Marion Maeve O’Brien

Not Available


June, 1952

Cover by Rutledge Good News About The New Fashion Dollar What It Can Buy For Summer. 10 Aids to Loose Thinking by Kenneth Tyman, Benefit Ball at the French Embassy – Washington, The Art of Using What You Have by Emily Kimbrough, Lady Killers – Man and Boy Vittorio Manunta; Jean Gabin, Mr. and Mrs. Hume Cronyn, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harrison, Talked- about building: Lever House, People Are Talking About, Gossipy Memo on Summer Foods

Not Available


July, 1952

Cover by Penn. July Is A New Fashion Month! Crepe Dress Revolution, New Colour In Mink, Fresh Cottons For July, New Time For Wools. Games: Boom, A Two-Deck Solitaire; Double-Crostic in Fashion; Five New Word Puzzles, The Hand and Personality by Dr. Charlotte Wolff, Handwriting and Your Personality by Klara G. Roman, American Summer – photograph by Irving Penn, People Are Talking About, Suggested Monuments for Possible Presidents by William Steig, New Theatre: “Wish You Were Here”; “New Faces of 1952”, St. Tropez, Winesmanship by Stephen Potter, My Berlin Friends – Revisited by Christopher Isherwood, Small Eccentrics by Victoria Lincoln, Summer Reader – photograph by Irving Penn, The Sky Is No Limit by Jacqueline Cochran, The Art of Praise by Anthony West, Memo On Chicago, Photographed on the new S. S. United States – more July Cottons

Not Available


August 1, 1952

Cover by Prigent Fashion Changes … Hat to Heel, City Sweaters … Never Better News. Johnnie Ray, Hildegarde Neff, The Art of Beginning Where You Are by Sophie Kerr, The Tailer-Gimbel Wedding, People Are Talking About, Summer In Wyoming, Mary Martin’s Opera Lesson, Marini’s Horse of Art, Mrs. Thompson Biddle’s Two-Room Apartment, Fall Fabrics


In Original Mailing Sleeve






August 15, 1952

Cover by Rutledge The 1952 Look for the Young In or Out of College Every Fashion Shown in Colour. Memo To Men, Captain Molyneux by Allene Talmey, I Love The Japanese Theatre by Joshua Logan Puppet Theatre in Osaka; Kabuki Theatre in Tokyo, “Women Can Fly As Well As Men,” by Jacqueline Cochran, People Are Talking About, Paris Parties, Before Bandwagons: All Young, Lippold “Full Moon” – Sculpture in Wire, No Wallflowers – No Belles by Catherine Cheremeteff Vogue’s 1952 Prix de Paris winner, They Drink Tea At College

Not Available


September 1, 1952

Cover by Prigent (Suzy Parker?). Paris Collections Complete Report, American Collections The New Line. The Barcelona Hat by Sophie Kerr, Mrs. Isabel Dodge Sloane by Peggy Talbott, People Are Talking About, Music to the Copts: Early Christian Manuscript, I Love You, Pink by Oliver St. John Gogarty, The Art of Accepting by Russell Lynes, Gossipy Memo: Advance Notice


In Original Mailing Sleeve


September 15, 1952

Cover by Penn New Fashions For Flattery. Memo to Men, Mrs. Thomas W. Phipps photographed in Paris, August Bride – Mrs. Arthur Kohlenberg Recent Brides and What They Wore, Great Workers of Rome Donna Marguerite Caetani, Princess Gabriella Pacelli, Countess Flavia Della Gherardesca, People Are Talking About … “The Amazing Monsieur Fabre”, The “Literary Illness.” By Rene and Jean Dubos, Vertes Tells His Story, The Marchioness, the Surgeon, and the Bookie by Oliver St. John Gogarty, Great French Cooking in Small American Kitchens by Frederick Louis Stagg

VG, tape on upper spine


In Original Mailing Sleeve


October 1, 1952

Cover by Horst New Fashion Colour Schemes… How To Plan Them, How To Spend If You Have More Taste Than Money. Memo To Men, Ouistiti – New Bridge Game by Jean Bosse, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh B. Block’s Collection of Paintings and Sculpture, Axie Clark: Her Clothes, Betty Furness, People Are Talking About, Tennis Week: Newport Tradition, Family Talent: Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. White, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lessard, The Art of Courage by Victoria Lincoln, Brunettes Are as Pretty as Blondes by Glenn Matthew White, Spanish Notes by Sophie Kerr, Jamaica by Patrick Leigh Fermor, Finnish Crafts


In Original Mailing Sleeve


October 15, 1952

Cover by Blumenfeld Beauty Issue For the Woman Who Wants To Change Her Looks. A Bitter Britisher Praises America by Ciril Connolly, The Girls: As They Were, People Are Talking About, At The Field Trials Mrs. Goodhue Livingston; Junior, Mrs. H. Herman Harjes; Mrs. Winston Frost; Mrs. Alexander McFadden


In Original Mailing Sleeve


November 1, 1952

Cover by Frances McLaughlin Christmas Present Timetable, Clothes For the Parties, Paris Copies. Dwight D. Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower, Adlai E. Stevenson, Debutantes Home for the Holidays: Miss Bettina Lindsay, Miss Elizabeth Brokaw, Roll for the Season – Vogue’s New Game, The Art of Scepticism by Rebecca West, The Day She Left Me by Evelyn Green, Mrs. William H. McManus; Mr. and Mrs. William F. Talbert; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Brown, Mme. Jacques Balsan, People Are Talking About, Andre Derain, The U N Secretariat Building, Memo to Men


In Original Mailing Sleeve


November 15, 1952

Cover by Horst (of Suzy Parker).  Christmas Timetable (2nd Edition), 200 Presents With Ideas. Finding Faith by Robert R. Wicks, Seven Masterminds of the Metropolitan Opera, Francois Kupka, Kupka by Jerome Mellquist, Madeleine Renaud, People Are Talking About, Mrs. Edward Patterson, The Enjoyable Kitchen

Not Available


December, 1952

Cover by Coffin A Christmas Package Full of Fashion, Town Clothes; Resort Clothes. Mrs. David Gimbel; Mrs. Curtis Roosevelt, The Ryan-Ogilvy Wedding in London, In Korea -- Moving Up, In The U. S. A. – You Can Help, Mrs. William S. Paley, Drawing-room Beasts, St. Moritz: Holiday with Skis, Learned Nuts About Records by George Frazier, The Art of Discontent by Oliver La Farge, People Are Talking About, Debutantes at the Benefit Ball, For Santa Teresa by MacKinley Helm, Souffle Insurance by Marco Carson


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